Meet the world’s oldest dog, has made a world record, you will not be able to believe the age

You must have heard about long lived humans. Some look very young even after crossing the age of 100. Generally, the average age of humans is considered to be sixty. But many people enjoy longevity because of their diet and lifestyle. Even animals have their own age limit. The dog we are going to talk about today has many records in its name. One of these is to be the oldest dog in the world.

We are talking about Bobby. The age of this dog is 31 years. Yes, you read right. Bobby enjoyed his 31st birthday on 11th May. Bobby is from Portugal. People are coming from many countries to be a part of its birthday. Bobby was born in 1992. More than a hundred people will be part of his birthday. People are also surprised to see such a big event for a dog’s birthday. But there is a celebration, isn’t it? After all, every dog ​​is at least 31 years old.

Birthday will be celebrated in the village
Bobby’s birthday party will be organized in his village. In Conqueiros, Portugal, the villagers have started preparations for this. He is very famous among family and relatives. People love Bobby a lot. Although Bobby turned 31 on May 11, but his birthday party has been kept on May 13. The villagers are very excited for this. Bobby’s name is included in the world records.

Bobby is 31 years old

party will be like this
Many types of arrangements will be seen in this party. Bobby only eats human food. Due to this it was not difficult to make the menu of the party. Whatever Bobby eats, the guests will also eat there. This also includes meat and fish. Apart from this, dancers have also been invited to the party. He will come here and dance for Bobby. It includes traditional Portuguese dance. Please tell that Bobby’s name is included in the Guinness Book of World Records. Many people love him very much.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, Weird news

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